Cain and Able Gen 4:16
Clue 1 White silky lamb, (sacrificed)

Able’s Sacrifice made of cardboard with wool like material with fake blood

Apple, Orange, Banana, Lime

Cain’s Sacrifice bowl presented with wonderful display, bowl lined with gold wrapping paper

Alter with blood on it
Clue 2 Person (Cain) with blood on his hands

Wallet, papers, drivers license

Found at scene implicating Cain
Clue 3 Dead dude

able with sword in his neck / chest bloody clothing, Cain's fingerprints

Identification e.g. wallet, papers 
Items in italics indicate things to consider, to depict without giving away to much or keys for you to understand our methodology. We have provided more detail here on ths one to help get you started.
2. The Healing of Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-19
Clue 1 Ten Talents of Silver
Clue 2 Ten Garments
Clue 3 Decree to king of Isreal from king Aram of Arameans to heal Naaman
Clue 4 6,000 Sheckels of Gold
Clue 5 Naaman - soldier, commander, with leprocy
Clue 6 Little slave girl telling of Prophet in Israel that can heal Naaman
Clue 7 Elisha the Prophet
Clue 8 Jordan river, seven times
3. Prison - cost of Discipleship Mark 6:14-29, Acts 12:1-11, 16:16-31, 21:27-36
Clue 1 Whips
Clue 2 Disciple being arrested by soldier
Clue 3 2 people in jail, 1 is praying
Clue 4 Handcuffs and shackles
4. God's Call 1 Samuel 3:1-21, Exodus 3:1-14, Isiah 6:1-9, Luke 10:1-3, Jeremiah 1:4-10, Mark 2:13-20
Clue 1 Moses a the burning bush - calling of Moses
Clue 2 Samuel sleeping, awaken by - calling by God
Clue 3 Jesus calling of the disciples to get out of their boat and follow him
Clue 4 Calling of - list each of the individuals names that are here for the CSI Bible study

e.g. Calling of Amanda with a photo
5. Let My People Go! (10 Plagues) Exodus 6:1-12, 28-30, 7-12:31
Clue 1 Fountain of blood

Fish all die, water stinks and not usable. We used a small table top fountain with red food die in the water.
Clue 2 Frogs
Clue 3 Gnats
Clue 4 Flys
Clue 5 Animals
Clue 6 Hail storm - fire
Clue 7 Locusts
Clue 8 Darkness
Clue 9 Boils
Clue 10 First born dead
Clue 11 Pyramid, Sphinx, Pharaoh
Clue 12 Moses, Aaron
6. Rules Exodus 19, 20
Clue 1 You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain (Commandment 3)
Clue 2 You shall not have any other Gods’ before me (Commandment 1)
Clue 3 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (Commandment 9)
Clue 4 Bird - eagle
Clue 5 You shall not make any graven images (Commandment 2)
Clue 6 You shall not kill (Commandment 6)
Clue 7 Honor your father and mother (Commandment 5)
Clue 8 You shall not commit adultery (Commandment 7)
Clue 9 You shall not steal (Commandment 8)
Clue 10 You shall not covet (Commandment 10)
Clue 11 Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy (Commandment 4)
Clue 12 Picture – Moses on the mountain
Clue 13 The Ten Commandments

We used two stepping stones and a paint marker to create our own stone tablets
7. David and Goliath 1 Samuel 16
Clue 1 Pouring out of liquid on David’s head. Samuel anoints David with oil to declare him as king of Israel
Clue 2 David playing the harp for the King
Clue 3 Valley of Elah - Israelites o one side, Philistines on the other.
Clue 4 David and Goliath battling
Clue 5 David holding Goliath’s head on a plate
8. Jonah 1:1- 4:11
Clue 1 Camel License - Johan son of Ammittai (good for one and two humpers)
Clue 2 Yahweh – Messages from God (Cell phone found with messages)

God called Jonah “Arise and go to Ninevah, that great city”

Jonah heard and understood but disobeyed God. Ninevah was the enemy and a sinful place.
Clue 3 Jonah was asleep on the boat, storm and the crew tossed the cargo overboard, attempted to row back to land. Tossed Jonah overboard.

Yahweh Boat Travel Ticket, One Way, 8 shekels. To Tarshish by way of Joppa. was found at water edge.

Jonah was running from God, you cannot flee from the Lord. Yahweh All Powerful.
Clue 4 Missing Person flyer Jonah. Jonah found no where.

While he ran away from God, God knew where he was all along
Clue 5 Whale – Big Fish swallowed Jonah when he was tossed overboard and after three days the fish spit him out, then he headed to Tarshish as instructed.
Clue 6 Jonah was laying under the shelter of a tree branch. A caterpillar worm ate the plant that God provided to Jonah and Jonah had more compassion for the plant than for the people of Tarshish, God has compassion for the people.
9. Job 1:1-2:10
Clue 1 God and Satan talking: talked God into testing Job.
Clue 2 Church of the dead:
10 Children, 7 boys and 3 girls. House cracked and fell in on the kids smashing the children to smithereens!
Clue 3 Sheep by the thousands stolen. Dead people, arrows found in them. More animals like the donkeys, oxen missing, more dead people
Clue 4 All camels stolen and their keepers dead by the arrow as well.
Clue 5 Man with boils all over, from head to toe; woman saying ‘I told him to curse God and die’.
10. The Death of Jesus Matthew 27:27 – 28:15
Clue 1 Lots cast to determine the winner of the clothing (Jesus robe)
Clue 2 Judas Iscariot hung himself because of his betrayal of Jesus.
Clue 3 Three men on crosses, Two robbers, one repented asking Jesus for forgiveness.
Jesus with crown of thorns.
Clue 4 Tomb with stone rolled away. Belongs to Joseph of Arimathea. Angles there who told the disciples Jesus is alive.
11. Fiery Furnace Daniel 3
Clue 1 King Nebuchadnezzar wrote a decree that everyone must bow before the Golden idol or die.

(Idol was 90’ high and 9’ wide)
Clue 2 People refused to bow.
Clue 3 Three people in the Fiery Furnace.
Clue 4 Four people in the Fiery Furnace.
12. John the Baptist Matthew 3, 11:1-18, 14:1-12 Mark 1:1-8, Luke 3, John 1:1-28
Clue 1 Cloak, Sandals
Clue 2 Locusts, wild honey for food
Clue 3 Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, Dove descending ‘This is my son . . . ‘
Clue 4 Headless corps f John the Baptist
Clue5 Head of John the Baptist on a silver platter, given to Herodious as a party favor.
13. Queen Esther
Clue 1 Queen very beautiful, hid her Jewish heritage.

Approach king Xerxes taking a chance of being killed for doing so.
Clue 2 Guy on a horse named Mordecai plotted against Haman
Clue 3 Guy hanging in a tree on a noose

Name found to be Haman. It was further uncovered that these were the same gallows that he had created to kill Mordecai
14. Marriage Gen 1:27-28, 2:18-24, 6:1-2, 1 Kings 11:1-8
Clue 1 I Do!
Clue 2 Brides veil
Clue 3 Two wine glasses and a champagne bottle
Clue 4 Bow Tie
Clue 5 Bouquet of flowers
Clue 6 A Toast
Clue 7 Wedding Rings
15. Prayer Mat 6:1-14, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 9:28-35, 22:14-20, 22:39-46, 23:33-46 John 17:1-5 (Himself)
17:6-19 (Disciples) 17:20-26 (Belivers)
Clue 1 Jesus climbed the mountain
Clue 2 Jesus went into the garden to pray
Clue 3 Jesus praying
Clue 4 Praying hands
16. The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem Nehemiah 1-4
Clue 1 King Artaxeres – Sitting on his throne
Clue 2 A man crying – Nehemiah
Clue 3 Wine cup
Clue 4 City with the walls falling down
Clue 5 Gate on fire
Clue 6 Pine trees
Clue 7 Man on ladder with a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other
17. The Books of the Bible
Have the investigators write as many as they know, individually or collectively. Another option is to have them seek out the books of the Bible that were placed around the church and assemble them in order.
The end result of either would be a listing of the books in order. The a discussion of the types of books and their groupings can follow e.g. 1 Law, 2 Old Testament Narrative, 3 Wisdom Literature, 4 Major Prophets, 5 Minor Prophets, 6 New Testament Narrative, 7 Pauline Epistles, 8 General Epistles and 9 Apocalyptic Epistle.

Old Testament

New Testament
18. Healings Matt 8:1-17, 9:1-8, 9:18-34, 17:14-23 Mark 1:40-46, 5:1-20, 5:21-43
Clue 1 Demon possessed person telling Jesus to stay away.
Jesus heals the demon possessed.
Clue 2 Dead girl - brought back to life by Jesus
Clue 3 Leprosy - Jesus heals the leper
Clue 4 The blind - Jesus heals the blind
19. Jacob becomes Israel, wrestles with God, dreams of Heaven Gen 28:10-22, 32:22-32
Clue 1 Rock for a pillow
Clue 2 Olive Oil
Clue 3 10% to God
Clue 4 Wrestling
Clue 5 Compass – North, South, East, West
Clue 6 Stairway from heaven to earth, Angles, God, Shining, person at the bottom laying on a rock
Clue 7 Sunset over the mountains
Clue 8 Church dude saying, “I Am The Church” The church just being a building.
Clue 9 God watching over us from above
Clue 10 A blessing
20. Clouds, Sky Gen 9:12-17, 7:1-24 Exodus 13:20-22, 16:9-16, 19:7-14 Num 9:15-22 Job 36:28-32 Ps 77:16-20 Matt 17:1-9, 24:26-31, 26:57-64 Mark 13:26-30, 14:61-65 Acts 1:6-11 Rev 14:14-16
Clue 1 Noah’s Ark, clouds, rain, flooding
Clue 2 Fire, cloud, people
Clue 3 Rainbow, clouds
Clue 4 Lightning, clouds, trees, rain
21. Light Gen 1:3, 14-18 Ps 27:1 Isaiah 50:10-11, 60:19-22 Matt 5:13-16 Luke 11:33-36 John 1:4-9 Acts 26:13-33 1 Cor 4:5 2 Cor 4:4-6
Clue 1 Flashlight
Clue 2 Candle
Clue 3 Sun
Clue 4 Moon, stars
Clue 5 Sunset
Clue 6 Lightning
Clue 7 Light bulb
Have the investigators explore and list other types of light or things that light could come from other than the things that you have displayed. Alter the display to coincide with the items that you have on hand. Don’t for get fire flys and fire. Also discuss light vs. darkness have them ponder that there is no darkness only the absence of light for with light darkness cannot exist; likewise with Christ evil cannot exist.
22. Bread Gen 3:17-20, 18:1-15, 19:1-5, 21:1-7 1 Sam 21:1-6 Ezekiel 4:9-17 John 6:41-58, 21:9 1 Cor 10:14-22 Acts 20:6-7
Clue 1 Bread Wrapper
Clue 2 Three
Clue 3 Four
Clue 4 Six
Clue 5 Bread, Flower, Yeast
Clue 6 Bread, Butter, Knife
The numbers above in clues 2, 3 and 6 are brought together once discovered and the investigators uncover how many times "Bread" is spoken of in the scripture, (346 times). Bread was often used as a symbol as this was something that everyone understood as part of thir daily life.
23. Sheep / Shepherd Relationship Num 7:12-17 Ps 23, 100 Isaiah40:9-11, 11:1-10 Ezekiel 34:11-24 Matt 9:35-38 Luke 10:3 John 21:15-20
Clue 1 Rod *82
Clue 2 Staff *43
Clue 3 Herd *21
Clue 4 Goat *86
Clue 5 Lamb *100
Clue 6 Sheep *189
Clue 7 Shepherd *42
* Denotes the number of times these are indicated in the scripture, total for all being 513. Investigate the difference between a rod and a staff and their use.
Rod or Staff?
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." (Psalm 23:1-6 RSV)
In Bible History, two of the most important tools of a Shepherd were the rod and staff. The rod was a stick about a yard/meter long with a knob on one end, while the staff, or "shepherd's crook," looked somewhat like a modern cane, although sometimes longer.
While they were technically two different tools, there is often very little difference between the original Hebrew words for them. In fact, for example, the very same Hebrew word, pronounced mat-taw, is translated sometimes as rod, and at other times as staff, even within the same translation. An example from the traditional King James version:
"And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff [mat-taw] that is in thine hand." (Genesis 38:18 KJV)
"And thou shalt take this rod [mat-taw] in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs." (Exodus 4:17 KJV)
As is so often the case, various translations also use different words for the same original word e.g. for Exodus 7:12, the King James Version (KJV) and the Revised Standard Version (RSV) use rod, while the New American Standard Bible (NASB) and New International Version (NIV) use staff.
In the case of Aaron's rod, or Aaron's Staff, which was used by Aaron and Moses before Pharaoh and after the Exodus, the object is most illistrated in the shape of a rod (no "crook" on the end), but the length of a staff (a rod was usually shorter). We do know that his rod, or staff, was no longer than about 43 inches - otherwise it would not have been possible to place it in The Ark Of The Covenant, which was that length (Exodus 25:10).
Fact Finder: Did Moses use a rod/staff in the parting of the Red Sea?
Exodus 14:16
24. Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1
Clue 1 Joseph
Clue 2 Star
Clue 3 Elizabeth
Clue 4 Angel - Fear not
Clue 5 Mary
Clue 6 Priest, Zechariah
Clue 7 Zechariah, priest with an angel “ your mouth will be sealed because of your doubt”
25. Holy Spirit Psalm 51:7-13, Isaiah 63:7-14, Matthew 1:18-21 & 3, Luke 1:11-17, John 1:29-34 14:23-27, Acts 1:5-11, 2:1-4e, 2:14-21, 2:29-39
Clue 1 Holy
Clue 2 Spirit
Clue 3 96, The number of times the term Holy, Spirit is used in the Bible, 2 in the OT and 94 in the NT
Clue 4 Dove
Clue 5 Gods hand, power of God
Clue 6 Kite, baloons, clouds, trees (bent over) wind is blowing hard
Clue 7 Peter - fire - flames over everyones heads
Note: All items were depicted through drawings photos or cutouts found at the sceans investigated.
26. Judgement Leviticus 19:14-18, 35-37, Deut. 1:17, 10:17-22, Luke 11:42, John 5:19-30, 8:14-19,
Clue 1 284, The number of times the term Judgement found in the Bible (Websters)
Clue 2 'J'
Clue 3 'U'
Clue 4 'D'
Clue 5 'G'
Clue 6 'E'
Clue 7 'M'
Clue 8 'E'
Clue 9 'N'
Clue 10 'T'
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the word JUDGEMENT and then an open discussion on judging others, being judged, prejudices, bias, etc. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
27. King Saul 1 Samuel 9:1-12:25
Clue 1 'K'
Clue 2 'I'
Clue 3 'N'
Clue 4 'G'
Clue 5 'S'
Clue 6 'A'
Clue 7 'U'
Clue 8 'L'
Clue 9 Crown
Clue 10 Saul being annointed with oil
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words KING SAUL and then an open discussion on the people wanting a king vs trusting in God as they had done from the time of the exile. Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
om Samuel (God's annointed)
- A head taller than other men
- Believed in prophets (seers) and of God
- Samuel called by God to annoint Saul as king
- Samuel "I will tell you all that is in your heart
- Prophesy is of God, if it comes true
- 10:19 "But you have rejected your God"

There is no one like him in all the earth
- 11:7 Forcing the men of israel into battle

The begining of the demands of the king
- 12:5 The Lord is a witness against you

Forgot the Lord your God
- 12:11 Prophets kept you safe

Ammonites attack you - you ask for a king
- 12:17 You will realize what an evil thing you have done before the Lord

Storm at hearvest time - could not bring in the hearvest
- 12:23 I will not sin against the Lord
28. Together for Christ Genesis 13:8, Psalm 133, Mark 2:1-12, Acts 2:14-21, Romans 15:5-13, Ephesians 4:1-8, 9-16, Collosians 3:12-17
Clue 1 'W'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'R'
Clue 4 'K'
Clue 5 'I'
Clue 6 'N'
Clue 7 'G'
Clue 8 'T'
Clue 9 'O'
Clue 10 'G'
Clue 11 'E'
Clue 12 'T'
Clue 13 'H'
Clue 14 'E'
Clue 15 'R'
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words WORKING TOGETHER and then an open discussion on exactly how we are to accomplish this. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
Discussion points:
- Accomplishing something with other people
- Doing something with others
- No quarreling Abraham, Lot
- Unity in the Body of Christ
- Harmony among God’s people – everybody
- God called us to different jobs
- Give up and do not hold a grudge
- Together they took the paralyzed man up onto the roof, to lower him down to the feet of Christ for healing.
29. Power Genesis 31:26-31, 49:1-7 Exodus 9:13-18 Leviticus 26:37-39 Job 1:6-12 Psalm 50:16 Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 Matthew 6:5-15, 9:10-9 Mark 6:7-13 Luke 1:11-17 John 10:11-21
Clue 1 Two
Clue 2 Five
Clue 3 Nine
Clue 4 'P'
Clue 5 'O'
Clue 6 'W'
Clue 7 'E'
Clue 8 'R'
Clue 9 Hand of God - lightning coming from the sky
Clue 10 Light Bulb - Shining - Power is ON
Clue 11 Man's arm holding a spear
Note: The numbers above in clues 2, 5 and 9 are brought together once discovered and the investigators uncover how many times "Power" is spoken of in the scripture, (259 times). Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the lnumbers and etters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the word POWER and then an open discussion about power in our lives. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
Discussion points:
- Ability to act or product an effect
- Possession of control, authority or influence over others
30. Good / Evil Genesis 1:4-12, 3:5, 2:9 Deut 1:30-40 John 1:43-51 Hebrews 10:19-24 James 4:7-17 1 Peter 2:1-12 Revelation 2:1
Clue 1 'G'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'O'
Clue 4 'D'
Clue 5 'E'
Clue 6 'V'
Clue 7 'I'
Clue 8 'L'
Clue 9 Found 7 times in scripture 'Good & Evil'
Clue 10 Found 567 times in scripture 'Evil'
Clue 11 Found 654 times in scripture 'Good'
Clue 12 Letters also spell 'I Love God'
Like the numbers in pervious investigations the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the numbers and etters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words GOOD and EVIL and then an open discussion about good and evil in our lives. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
Discussion about the decisions we and our children face in life. We spoke about a recent local event where a young boy, not yet having his license, stole his parents car and ran through an intersection. Two were killed. All that was in the car made their own decision to be there therefore the driver as well as the passengers all made poor decisions.
When ask to list things in the categories the probies came up with the following:
Not Doing Wrong

Morally Reprehensible
The Absence of Evil

Of Favorable Character or Tendency
Bountiful or Fertile
Free From Injury or Disease
31. TOWER Genesis 1:4-12, 3:5, 2:9 Deut 1:30-40 John 1:43-51 Hebrews 10:19-24 James 4:7-17 1 Peter 2:1-12 Revelation 2:1
Clue 1 'T'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'W'
Clue 4 'E'
Clue 5 'R'
Clue 6 Found 45 times in scripture 'TOWER'
Like the numbers in pervious investigations the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the numbers and etters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words TOWER and then an open discussion about towers in general. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
When ask to list things in the categories the probies came up with the following:
Very Tall Structure

Leaning Tower

Cement Steel
Tower of Love


Eifel Tower

Business (Money) Keepig Watch
Tower of God

Guard (Military)

Protection Watching Those That Come
Tower of Stregnth

Prison (Castle)
32. Friend Exodus 33:7-11 2 Samuel 16:16-17 Ester 5:9-14 Job 19:14-21 Jeremiah 20:4-6 Luke 15:6-9 John 15:13-15 Psalm 38, 88:18 Proverbs 6:1-3, 17:17-18, 18:22. 22:24
Clue 1 'F'
Clue 2 'R'
Clue 3 'I'
Clue 4 'E'
Clue 5 'N'
Clue 6 'D'
Clue 7 Found 100 times in scripture 'FRIEND, FRIENDS, FRIENDLY'
Like the numbers in pervious investigations the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the numbers and etters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words FRIEND and then an open discussion about friends in general. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
When ask to list things in the categories the probies came up with the following:
Someone to talk to


Sunday School Teacher
Someone you can trust


* A friend is someone you
Someone who understands your problems 1st Seargent
may want to be like.
Someone who will be there for you
The person who pushes you on the swing Teddy Bear
The person you marry

* Websters definition - One attached to another by affection or esteem

- One that is not hostile
33. Pentecost & Holy Spirit Psalm 51:7-12 Isaiah 63 10-11 Matthew 3:11, 12:31-32 Mark 3:29 Acts 2:1-21, 20:16 1 Corinthians 16:8-9
Clue 1 'P'
Clue 2 'E'
Clue 3 'N'

Pentecost found 3 times in scripture
Clue 4 'T'
It is a Christian feast on the 7th Sunday after Easter
Clue 5 'E'

commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit
Clue 6 'C'
Clue 7 'O'
Clue 8 'S'
Clue 9 'T'
Clue 10 'H'
Clue 11 'O'
Clue 12 'L' 
Holy Spirit found 96 times in scripture
Clue 13 'Y'
Clue 14 'S'
Clue 15 'P'
Clue 16 'I'
Clue 17 'R'
Clue 18 'I'
Clue 19 'T'
Clue 20 Man with fire over his head
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words Pentecost & Holy Spirit and then an open discussion on these. . . . . Once completed the scriptures read, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
34. Trust, Truth Deut 28:49-52 Ruth 2:11-13 2 Samuel 22:3 & 31 Psalm 31:1-5 John 14, 6 & 17
1 Corinthians 14:25
Clue 1 'T'
Clue 2 'R'
Clue 3 'U'
Clue 4 'S'
Clue 5 'T'
Clue 6 'T'
Clue 7 'R'
Clue 8 'U'
Clue 9 'T'
Clue 10 'H'
Clue 11 '3'
Clue 12 '6'
Clue 13 '6'
Like the numbers in pervious investigations the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the numbers and etters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words TRUST and TRUTH and then an open discussion about trust and truth in our lives. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
35. Prophet, Prophecy, Prophesy Numbers 11:24-30 1 Samuel 10:5-12 1 Kings 18:4-19 Nehemiah 6:5-14 Ezekiel 13:1-16 Daniel 9:6-10
Todays discovery was based on the words Prophet, Prophecy, Prophesy and the meaning or each.
Prophets, Major and minor:
Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Isiah, Nathan, Malachi, Micaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea
- Prophet? 1. One gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight. 2. One who utters divinely inspired revelations.

From the childred: A person who predicts somethig

Found in the scripture 226 times
- Prophecy? 1. The inspired declaration of divine will and purpose. 2. The inspired utterance of a prophet. 3. the prediction of what is to come.

From the childred: The things that prophets predict

Found in the scripture 21 times
- Prophesy? 1. To utter by or as if by divine inspiration. 2. To predict with assurance or on the basis of mystic knowledge.

From the childred: When you predict something
36. Children Romans 8:16-21, Galatians 3:7-12, and Ephesians 5:1-8
This was far more interesting than I originally thought. I wanted something simple but didn't find it. I looked up Children and the Bible software that I use stated that there are 1523 references to children.
When I asked the kids for their definition of children they all chimed in that their thoughts were children were little kids. I asked them if I was a child, one said that I was not because I was in my 50's! I told them that I was my mothers child. We then talked about scripture being the story of God's children and the forming of God's family, including the birth of His son, Jesus.
There are 1373 references were in the Old Testament which was the birth and the culmination of God's family, including God's covenant. We read the story of Herod's plot to kill all male children under 2 years old when the magi tricked him. We used the scriptures from Romans 8:16-21, Galatians 3:7-12, and Ephesians 5:1-8. Romans text spoke of us as heirs and co-heirs with Christ. The Ephesians text instructed us to be imitators of God. We talked about seeing a family resemblance to God in how we act, think, and speak.
All in all this study will develop into a much deeper study and helped the kids to understand the concept of "All God's Children", even those who are in their 50's. I trust that your study of children in the Bible will do likewise for you.
37. Time To GO Acts 21:1-6; Hebrews 6:1-6, 13:1-7; Mark 13:1-4; Luke 8:40-44, 9:57-62, 10:30-37; Matthew 4:12-17; 1 Peter 2:21
Clue 1 'G'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'I'
Clue 4 'N'
Clue 5 'G'
During this CSI investigation we tied in Jesus’ conversations with the disciples at the Passover meal and his willingness to leave. As your pastor we also discussed the need for my family to go. We focused on how much it sometimes hurts to say goodbye and likened it to Jesus saying goodbye.
- Going: (80 times in the Bible)

The act of instance of going

Advance toward abjective

Conducting business with the expectation of indefinite continuance
- Leave: (112 times in the Bible)

To be left over

To have as a reminder

To go away from : depart

To terminate association with

To withdraw from
- Leaving: (5 times in the Bible)

Jesus said " I am leaving and you will not see me for a little while".

The act of leaving - to leave
38. Comfort Genesis 5:28-31, 27:41-45, 37:12-36; Matthew 9:22, 10:49; 1 Chronicles 7:22, 19:2; Job 2:11; Song of Solomon 2:5; Isaiah 22:4
Clue 1 'C'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'M'
Clue 4 'F'
Clue 5 'O'
Clue 6 'R'
Clue 7 'T'
Comfort is found 61 times in the Bible, mostly in the Old Testament.
Comfort is defined in the investigation by the probies as:
In peaceful harmony
Relief from stress
A La-Z-Boy
A hammock or couch
Last day of school
Beach party
Note here that we never spoke of killing or selling a brother as a means of “comfort”.
As defined by Webster’s “Comfort”:
Strengthening aid, assistance, support
Consolation in time of trouble or worry
Contented well being
Enjoyable experience – a great meal; a home run; your team winning.
Scripture discussions revealed that Esau wanted to “comfort” himself by Killing Jacob! We also uncovered in the next story that in the story of Joseph, his brothers plotted to kill him however ultimately sold him into slavery instead. Following that they dipped his robe in blood and told Jacob he was dead and tried to “comfort” him. Their story was filled with lies and deceit. The brothers attempted to cover up their joy at ridding themselves of Joseph by “comforting” their father Jacob with these lies.
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the word COMFORT and then an open discussion about comfort and what that means to us today and to those of the Bible in different times. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated
39. Holy Spirit Psalm 51; Matthew 1:18, 3:11, 12:31; Acts 2:1-21
Clue 1 'H'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'L'
Clue 4 'Y'
Clue 5 'S'
Clue 6 'P'
Clue 7 'I'
Clue 8 'R'
Clue 9 'I'
Clue 10 'T'
Holy Spirit appears 96 times in the Bible, 3 in the Old Testament and 93 New Testament.
This scripture investigation took place around the time of Pentecost where probies learned that Pentecost was a Jewish feast celebrated 50 days after Passover as a reminder of the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples.
We discussed what Pentecost is and how it is important. What did it mean to the disciples and what does it mean to us about receiving the Holy Spirit.
The probies learned that the disciples were instructed to ‘stay in Jerusalem until you receive power from on high’ (the Holy Spirit but at that point they did not know what to expect) then their came a wind and tongs of fire that fell on each of them. After that they begun to speak in tongs, or different languages that they could not have known. This allowed all gathered to hear and understand the message of Jesus. The Holy Spirit gave them a boldness to speak and people wanted them to tell them about this.
When the probies were ask about their understanding of the Holy Spirit the consensus was that it is the active presence of God in their life constituting the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is still with us.
The probies learned that the only unpardonable sin in scripture is found in Matthew 12:31 where it states: “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.”
Note: Like the numbers the letters were depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words HOLY SPIRIT and then an open discussion about comfort and what that means to us today and to those of the Bible in different times. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated
40. World Hunger Genisis 41:1-43, 1 Kings 17:4-24, Isaiah 49:8-16, Matthew, 15:32-38, Luke 15:11-24
Clue 1 'W'
Clue 2 'O'
Clue 3 'R'
Clue 4 'L'
Clue 5 'D'
Clue 6 'H'
Clue 7 'U'
Clue 8 'N'
Clue 9 'G'
Clue 10 'E'
Clue 11 'R'
In the Bible, the word Famine appears 99 times, Feed appears 43 times and Hungry 61 times
Note: The letters can be depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words WORLD HUNGER and then an open discussion about this and how blessed we are today and to those of the Bible and in different areas of the world today. Hunger can be physical nourishment as well as hunger for the Word. . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.
41. Hungry / Poor
Clue 1 'H'
Clue 2 'U'
Clue 3 'N'
Clue 4 'G'
Clue 5 'R'
Clue 6 'Y'
Clue 7 'P'
Clue 8 'O'
Clue 9 'O'
Clue 10 'R'
As a continuation of the previous investigation we continued with this theam or In the Bible, the word Hungry appears 61 times and poor appears 168 times.
Note: The letters can be depicted through cutouts and each placed through out the area. The probies were to find the letters as clues. Having retrieved them they then had to first unscramble the letters to figure out the words HUNGRY and POOR then an open discussion about this and how blessed we are today and to those of the Bible and in different areas of the world today. As being hungry can be physical nourishment or spiritual hunger, poor can be monetarily or poor in spirit as well . . . . . Once completed the scriptures, if not revealed through the discussion, were investigated.